The year 2023 has brought with it every hope for the revival of national, regional and
global activity. The last three years have been among the most difficult that each of
us has known, individually, for our respective nations, and for the region of South
Asia as a whole. The Coronavirus pandemic unleashed across the world from its
origins in late 2019, has wrought havoc with national economies, individual jobs and
social well-being. The loss of lives has been horrendously tragic, and the repeated
lock-downs have come with their own sense of deep trauma. The women and
children of South Asia (and women and children all over the world) have suffered
immeasurably more than any other socio-economic group, in terms of further decline
in their labour force participation rates, worsening health and malnutrition indicators,
and sharp rise in the incidence of gender-based violence. SWAN conveys its deep
sympathy and support to all those adversely affected by the pandemic. At the same
time, we look ahead with anticipation to a strong resurgence.